More Genealogy Resources

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
Find a genealogist to help with your search.

Blogs in the genealogy community.

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Connects you with volunteers around the world who will search in their local areas for historical records, church documents, headstones, and so on.

Eastman's Online Genealogical Newsletter
The daily newsletter for genealogy consumers (probably the most popular online genealogy magazine in the world).

The Genealogy Guys Podcast
Enjoyable podcasts by two respected genealogy speakers.

Books & Publications

Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian� by Elizabeth Shown Mills
The definitive resource for evaluating and citing sources in family and genealogical research. Also see her other book �Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace�.

�Bringing Your Family History to Life Through Social History,� by Katherine Sturdevant and Sharon DeBartolo Carmack.
Now out of print but available used on

�Genealogy 101: How to Trace Your Family's History and Heritage,� by Barbara Renick of the National Genealogical Society.
Now out of print but available used on

"The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, (Revised Edition)" by Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking.
3rd Ed. Ancestry, Inc.: Salt Lake City, UT, 2006.

"Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs," by Maureen Taylor.
2nd Ed. Family Tree Books, 2005.

"Organizing Your Family History Search" by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack.
Sub-title: Efficient and Effective Ways to Gather and Protect Your Genealogical Research, Betterway Books: Cincinnati, OH, 1999.